"We cannot forget the past but we can learn to remember it in a different way so that we can manage our emotions instead of
being controlled by them."

"I’ve known Gil for many years and I appreciate his heart for forgiveness, which he has poured into Forgive Your Way to Freedom. I believe this book will not only help people find freedom from their past hurts, but it will also help people develop a lifestyle of forgiveness to give them peace and purpose in their daily lives."

"Forgiveness is one of the most important things in our lives and yet it’s also one of the most misunderstood. Gil not only makes a powerful case for forgiveness, but he also shows you how. If you or someone you love is ready to be set free from the shackles of your painful past to embrace a new future with purpose, I encourage you to read Forgive Your Way to Freedom and pass it on."
Michele Bachmann
Former congresswoman and presidential candidate
Mike Huckabee, bestselling author, and host of the “Huckabee” TV show
Dr. Alveda King, Evangelist and Activist

"When the church leads the way by embracing the power of love and forgiveness between us and God and one another, we will see revival in America like we have never seen before. I’m so encouraged to see this book by Gil Mertz, Forgive Your Way to Freedom. If ever we need a message on forgiveness, it is now. The tools and principles from this book are powerful."
How good of a forgiver are YOU?
Below is a series of True or False questions to evaluate where you are in the forgiveness process.
Try to answer each one as honestly as you can. Usually your immediate thought is the most accurate. You may also ask a family member or trusted friend to answer the same questions about you from their perspective. Please see your score at the bottom.
1. I don’t have any friends or family who have told me I need to forgive someone else.
2. I can think of my offender without negative feelings of stress, anger, or bitterness.
3. I do not keep track of ways that other people have hurt me.
4. I do not say bad things about those who have caused me pain.
5. I don’t share my story of hurt or betrayal repeatedly to other people.
6. I do not go out of my way to avoid the person who hurt me.
7. I would not be uncomfortable to talk to this person face to face.
8. I can be completely objective about my experience, despite my painful past.
9. I have no doubts about my self-worth regardless of what happened to me.
10. I never think of ways I’d like to get revenge against people who hurt me.
11. I can be happy for my offender if they succeed and do well.
12. I do not struggle to accept and receive love from other people or my family.
13. I easily forgive myself when I make poor decisions that impact my life.
14. I do not need addictive behaviors to cover up or escape from my pain.
15. I don’t have difficulty expressing myself or telling people how I feel.
16. I do not have a problem trying to please other people.
17. I do not let people take advantage of me.
18. I do not let what other people think of me determine my value.
19. I can usually embrace the truth, even when a lie “feels” true.
20. I don’t compare myself with other people and I don’t feel that my life is unfair.
21. I do not blame others for the problems in my life.
22. I don’t believe my health has been affected by my struggle to forgive.
23. I have learned new insights that have helped me by recounting my pain in my mind.
24. I am as close to God today as when I first began trying to forgive my offender.
25. I am experiencing freedom through forgiveness.
0–4 FALSE: Congratulations, you’re doing very well. Hopefully this will help you identify some
areas where you may need to work. Even if you feel that forgiveness may not be a strong issue
for you, it’s likely that you may know someone else who is struggling and would benefit from
this book..
5–9 FALSE: This would be a clear indication that you are working through some forgiveness
issues that have yet to be resolved. Be encouraged! This book will help you find the freedom
that you seek and deserve.
10–14 FALSE: Forgiveness is a very definite issue for you, and your struggle is keeping you from
the joy and peace God wants for your life. The good news is that this book was written with you
in mind. You will find the tools you need so you can experience the full joy, power, and freedom
of forgiveness.
15 + FALSE: At this point you may want to seriously consider professional counseling to help
you manage your trauma. This book will help but it is not intended to replace the therapy you
may need from a qualified counselor.

And now, your score
All questions are taken from the book. For your convenience, you can also print out a pdf version of this evaluation by clicking the download button to the right.
Take control of your life
Enhanced joy
Released from bitterness
No longer hold grudges
Free from resentment
Greater empathy for others
Healthier relationships
Improved mental health
Less anxiety
Reduced stress
Decreased anger
Lower blood pressure
Fewer symptoms of depression
A stronger immune system
Improved heart health
Increased self-esteem
Inspire others to forgive
More compassionate
Spiritual growth
Resolve the pain of the past
Restore your peace in the present
Reclaim your purpose for the future
Peace with God
Experience true freedom
Freedom is just
a choice away